Sweet news from Spain today courtesy of the newly formed Photobook Club Murcia who will hold their inaugural meetup on the 18th December. If you would like to attend the you can find out more on their Facebook page here (Spanish).
Inspired by your example and the Spanish Photobook Clubs, we have decided to create a new one. We are located in Murcia, a city in the southeast of Spain. We are a medium sized city, but there is a great deal of interest in photographic matters. This is encouraged by the Cienojos asociation, a group that promoves talks, exhibitions and other activities about contemporary photography.
We are Gustavo Alemán, former gallerist and member of the Omnivore Photo collective and Pepe Incha, one of the members of Cienojos. We want to creat a forum of discussion about photobooks in our city. In order to do so, we have contacted CENDEAC, a public space devoted to contempory art studies. They will provide us with a place for our first meetings. The first is scheduled 18th December.
- Gustavo Alemán